Books on Moms, Boys, and Men

Helping Mothers be Closer to their Sons: Understanding the Unique World of Boys is a valuable resource for parents, uncles, and anyone seeking to understand boys. It explores differences between boys and girls in areas like play, competition, discipline, biology, emotions, and more. Celebrating boys, the book highlights their unique qualities often overlooked by mainstream media, offering insights into why their distinct traits deserve recognition, appreciation, and understanding. Paperback or ebook  

 The Way Men Heal is a concise update to Swallowed by a Snake, focusing on how men process loss. Designed for those with limited time, it shares stories of men like Michael Jordan and Eric Clapton finding masculine paths to healing. Endorsed by Warren Farrell and Paul Elam, it’s a quick, impactful read. paperback or ebook   

Swallowed by a Snake: The Gift of the Masculine Side of Healing Tom's first book, explores grief from a masculine perspective, highlighting how men and women process emotions differently. It examines grief rituals in both modern and indigenous cultures, offering unique insights. Endorsed by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, Robert Bly, Hope Edelman, and others, it has become a classic in the bereavement field. paperback or ebook.